TEN YEARS! Ten years ago today I made a decision and had no idea how it would change my life.
10 years ago, today, I decided to become a health coach. I didn't have any big goals or dreams of helping hundreds of people or any idea I'd still be doing this 10 years later! I became a coach because my sister wanted me to coach her after seeing my success with my program. I became a coach to help one person. That rippled into two people, then to five, then to 100 and now it's over 500! I'm so grateful to all of you that allowed me to help you transform. You have impacted my life more than you know.
Yes, as a Health Coach I help people lose weight and get healthy but it's the internal work we do with clients and on ourselves as coaches that is life-changing. I honestly don't know where I would be today if I had not become a health coach. It actually scares me to think where I would be today if this opportunity had not crossed my path or if I had not taken a leap of faith
10 years ago, I was in such a deep dark place. I was a single Mom struggling to recover from an abusive 2nd marriage. I was just barely surviving. I cried myself to sleep most nights. I was a Project Manager at a company in Chicago and was always going after the next biggest promotion. I acted confident and important but inside I felt unloved, unworthy, unimportant, embarrassed, ashamed, and not ___ enough. My relationship with my kids was horrible. I was hanging out with the wrong people and had several toxic friendships. I was so desperate to belong I didn't even notice how bad they were until I started hanging out with a community of coaches who really cared about others with no judgment.
The word "coach" sounds scary. It sounds like something you need an education or technical training to do. It's something only the best are qualified for in sports. That's how I felt too before I became part of this community and decided to be one. We don't know it all and don't need to. We don't need to be the best or perfect or at our goal weight. We don't need a degree. It's all about encouraging, loving, and supporting others.
This group is about community, healing, and the ability to spark potential, worthiness, hope, courage, and confidence in others and in yourself. It's not just about the people you help or the income you can make, it's about who you become in the process. I found my voice. I stopped hiding and I healed. Sharing my story of domestic violence and most recently financial debt was the hardest thing I've done, but doing so has helped me grow and heal and in turn inspire others. Working on yourself is hard. Healing is hard. Being real with yourself about your current reality is hard. But that's where transformation happens.
There has been so much growth over the past 10 years. That will continue. Growth is a priority for me. I still have hard days, but I wake up each day feeling grateful, worthy, loved, important, proud, and most importantly ENOUGH! I can't say I would have never healed if I didn't become a part of this community but I definitely wouldn't be where I am today. There was a shift when I joined this community and my compass started directing me along a different path. The people I used to hang out with kept me down, my new people lift me up.
It took a long time and a lot of work before I could look up and be proud of who I was…there was a lot of damage to repair. It took a long time to be ok with the events I went through and the people I allowed to try to tear me down. I now have the ability to help so many people, even my children. I can give them advice during tough situations or when fear and anxiety paralyze them. I'm a better Mom today than I ever was when they were teenagers. I'm a better friend. I'm a better person.
"How you rise up to your battles is linked to the kind of warrior you believe you are. How you respond to a challenge is affected by how you view yourself." - Jenna Kutcher