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Life &
Abusive Relationships
Nov 25, 2020
My Daily Pandemic Ritual
This whole year has been hard on everyone. It's hard being taken away from all the things and people we love. But it's helped me...
Sep 1, 2020
We are warriors!
1 in 4 women is in an abusive relationship. Emotional and/or physical. If there is physical abuse, there is obviously emotional abuse....
Jul 2, 2020
Don't Let Anyone Dull your Shine.
It's been a rough week. I allowed someone to steal my joy. I allowed someone to steal my positive energy. I allowed someone to get in my...
Jun 27, 2020
Quarantine Taught Me a Few Things!
I've been looking at homes in Montana for the past two days. This quarantine has taught me a few things. 🏔 I need to be in a place I can...
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